Friday 30 November 2012

Healthy food can cure Joint pain

సాయంత్రాలు ఇంటిల్లిపాదీతో గడిపే అనుభవమే వర్ణనాతీతం కాసేపలాగే ఒక చోట కూర్చుని నిలబడితే చాలు ఆ ఆనందమంతా ఒక్కసారిగా హరించుకుపోతుంది. ఏముంది కీళ్ళ నొప్పులు.  మామూలుగా కూర్చుని నిలబడ్డప్పుడే కాదుమెట్లు ఎక్కుతున్నప్పుడు గానీఇంకేదైనా పని చేస్తున్నపుడు గానీ ఈ కీళ్ళ నొప్పులు రావడం సర్వ సాధారణంఒకసారి ఈ నొప్పి మొదలైందంటే అడుగు తీసి అడుగు కూడా వేయలేం.
ఈ కీళ్ళ నొప్పులు వయసుపై బడ్డవారికి ఆటలు ఆడేవారికే కాదుపోషకాహారం లోపించిన వారెవరికైనా ఉండవచ్చు.చిన్నగా మందులతో మొదలై చివరికి ఆపరేషన్ వరకు వెళ్తుంది పరిస్థితిఅప్పటికీ సమస్య తగ్గుతుందా అంటేగ్యారంటీ లేదు. అందుకే పరిస్థితి విషమించక ముందే కీళ్ళ నొప్పుల విషయంలో జాగ్రత్తలు పాటిస్తే కీళ్ళ నొప్పులతో ఉపశమనమే కాదుఅసలు కీళ్ళ నొప్పులు దరికి కూడా రావు.
సోయాలో ఉండే కాల్షియంమెగ్నీషియంప్రోటీన్లు వాటితో పాటు ఉన్న అమినో ఆసిడ్స్ కీళ్ళ నొప్పులు తగ్గడంలో ఔషదంలా పని చేస్తాయిమూడు నెలల పాటు సోయాను ఆహారంలో ఏదో ఒక రూపంలో తీసుకుంటే కీళ్ళ నొప్పులు తగ్గుముఖం పడతాయి.సోయాను బర్గర్లో ఉడకబెట్టిన కూరగాయలతోసలాడ్ లతో పాటు తినవచ్చు.
విటమిన్ సి ఉన్న ఏ ఆహారమైనా కీళ్ళ నొప్పులు ఉన్నవారికి ఔషధమేనారింజస్ట్రా బెర్రీక్రాన్ బెర్రీకిర్నికాయ్,రాస్ప్ బెర్రీగ్రేప్ ఫ్రూట్బొప్పాయిమరియు బ్లూ బెర్రీస్ ఈ పండ్లన్నీ కలిపి ఫ్రూట్ సలాడ్ ల చేసుకుని రోజుకి ఒకసారి తిన్నా చాలుకీళ్ళ నొప్పులు ఎంతో కాలం నిలవవురోజూ బ్రేక్ ఫాస్ట్ తో పాటు ఒక గ్లాసు ఆరెంజ్ జ్యూస్ ని కూడా తీసుకోవడం అలవాటు చేసుకోండి చాలుమీరు కీళ్ళ విషయంలో జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకున్నట్టే.
ఆకుకూరలు ఆరోగ్యానికి మంచిదని చెప్పని వారుండరు వినని వారూ ఉండరుకానీ పాటించే వాళ్ళే చాలా తక్కువమంది .పాటించని వారిలోనే ఉంటారు కీళ్ళ నొప్పులతో బాధపడేవారు .ప్రత్యేకంగా కీళ్ళ నొప్పుల విషయంలోనే కాదుశరీరానికి కావలసిన విలువైన పోషకాలు ఆకుకూరల్లో సమృద్ధంగా ఉంటాయి.మీరు తినే ఆహారంలో ఏ రూపంలోనైనాసాండ్ విచ్ రూపంలోనో,మీరు తాగే వెజ్ టేబుల్ జ్యూస్ లోనో ఏదో రూపంలో ఆకుకూరలు ఉండేలా చూసుకోండి.
రోజూ తినే ఆహారం దాల్చిన చెక్కజిలకరపసుపు తప్పకుండా ఉండేలా చూసుకోండిఇవి తినే ఆహారానికి రుచిని మాత్రమే కీళ్ళకు బలాన్ని కూడా ఇస్తాయి.
చేపలులేదా చేప నూనె కీళ్ళ నొప్పులను తగ్గించే విషయంలో ఔషధకారిగా పని చేస్తుందికాల్షియంఐరన్మెగ్నీషియం,ఫాస్ఫరస్పొటాషియంసోడియంజింక్కాపర్మాంగనీస్,సిలీనియంఫ్లూరైడ్ వంటి ఎన్నో పోషకాలు పుష్కలంగా ఉండే ఆహరం చేపలుఇవి మీ ఆహారంలో అధిక మోతాదులో ఉండేటట్లు చూసుకోండి
  మరీ  కీళ్ళనొప్పి అధికంగా ఉన్నప్పుడు ఆలస్యం చేయకుండా డాక్టర్ని సంప్రదించడం ఉత్తమంఈ లోపు ఐస్ గడ్డలను ఒక గుడ్డలో చుట్టి నొప్పి ఉన్న చోట ఉంచితే తాత్కాలికంగా ఉపశమనం కలుగుతుంది.

Home remedies to control High BP

హై బి.పినే హైపర్ టెన్షన్ అని కూడా అంటారువిషయమేమిటంటే మనలో చాలా మంది హై బి.పిఉందన్న విషయం తెలియకుండానే గడిపేస్తుంటాంహై బి.పిలక్షణాలు అంత తేలిగ్గా తెలియవు.హై బి.పి వల్ల ఆరోగ్యానికి జరిగే నష్టం అంతా ఇంతా కాదు,దాని ప్రభావం శరీరానికి ముఖ్య అవయవాలైన గుండెకిడ్నీల పైనే మొదట పడుతుంది అంతే కాదు ఈ హై బి.పిఒక లెవెల్ దాటిందంటే హార్ట్ ఎటాక్ వచ్చి ప్రాణాంతకమయ్యే అవకాశాలు కూడా ఉన్నాయి.
కాబట్టి మనం తినే ఆహారంలో జాగ్రత్తలు పాటిస్తూవ్యామామం చేస్తుంటే ఈ బి.పినుండి మనల్ని మనం కాపాడుకోవడం పెద్ద కష్టమైన పనేం కాదుఆరోగ్యానికి హాని చేసే ఆహారాన్ని,దాంతో పాటు చెడు వ్యసనాలకు దూరంగా ఉండి మంచి ఆహారం తిన్నామంటే సరిహై బి .పి ని కూడా మనం మన కంట్రోల్ లో పెట్టుకోవచ్చు .
హై బి.పి. ని కంట్రోల్ లో ఉంచడంలో వెల్లుల్లి ఔషధంలా పని చేస్తుందిఅది బి.పిని తగ్గించి శరీరంలోని జీవక్రియలను సమతుల్యం చేస్తుంది పల్స్ రేట్ గుండె వేగాన్ని అదుపులో ఉంచుతుంది అంతేకాదు రోజు ఉదయాన్నే పరగడుపున మూడు వెల్లుల్లి రేకులను మింగితే రోజంతా చలాకీగా ఉంచి,గ్యాస్ట్రిక్ ప్రాబ్లమ్స్ కూడా దరి చేరకుండా చూస్తుంది
ఉదయం పూట పరగడుపునే ఒక టేబుల్ స్పూన్ ఉసిరి రసంలో కాస్త తేనె కలుపుకుని తాగితే బిపిలెవెల్ అవుతుందిగుండె ఆరోగ్యంగా ఉంటుంది.
నిమ్మకాయ హై బి.పిఉన్నవారికి చాలా విలువైన ఔషధం ,ఎందుకంటే ఉసిరికాయలో ఉండే విటమిన్ పిబిపిని కంట్రోల్ చేసిరక్తప్రసరణను క్రమబద్ధం చేస్తుంది
హై బిపి నివారణలో ఖర్బూజా చాలా ముఖ్యమైన ఆహారంఖర్బూజా గింజలను రోస్ట్ చేసి లేదా ఎండబెట్టి తినడం వల్ల రక్త నాళాల్లో ఉన్న ప్రెజర్ తగ్గి బి.పికంట్రోల్ లో ఉంటుంది.
చాలామంది కాస్త బరువు పెరగానే అన్నం తినడమంటేనే భయపడుతుంటారు కానీ బ్రౌన్ రైస్ లో ఉండే కాల్షియం,శరీరానికి ఎంతో మేలు చేస్తుందిఅందునా హై బి.పి ఉన్నవారికి ఇది పూర్తిగా సోడియం రహిత ఆహారంకాబట్టి నిర్భయంగా తినవచ్చుఇది నరాలను రిలాక్స్ చేసి రక్తప్రసరణను క్రమబద్ధం చేస్తుంది

బంగాళా దుంపలు బి.పిని కంట్రోల్ లో ఉంచడంలో అద్భుతంగా పని చేస్తాయిబంగాళాదుంపల  పొట్టు తీయకుండా ఉడికించడం వల్ల అందులో ఉండే పొటాషియం వల్ల ఉప్పు వేయకపోయినా ఉడికిన బంగాళాదుంపలు ఉప్పగా ఉండి రుచిగా ఉంటాయికాబట్టి బంగాళా దుంపలను రోజుకు ఒకసారైనా ఆహారంలో భాగమయ్యేలా జాగ్రత్తపడాలి.
కొత్తిమీర లో ఉన్న ఔషధ గుణాలు బి.పిని అదుపులో ఉంచుతాయి.కొత్తిమీర జ్యూస్ ను రోజుకు ఒకసారి తాగినా చాలుబి పి కంట్రోల్ లో ఉంటుంది.
కూరగాయల జ్యూస్ ముఖ్యంగా క్యారట్ జ్యూస్ గానీపాలకూర జ్యూస్ గానీ కలిపి గానీ విడివిడి గా కానీ తీసుకోవడం వల్ల బి.పి. పేషెంట్స్ కి చాలా రిలీఫ్ గా ఉంటుంది. 300 మీ.లీల క్యారట్ జ్యూస్ మరియు 200 మీ.లీపాలకూర జ్యూస్ 500 మి.లీ.లీటర్ నీటిలో కలిపి రోజూ తాగడం వల్ల బి పి లెవెల్ లో ఉంటుంది.
పైన చెప్పిన డైట్ తో పాటు మరొక సలహా ఏమిటంటే హై బి.పి ఉన్నవారు తినే రొటీన్ ఆహారంలో కాల్షియం ఉన్న ఆహారాన్ని ఎంచుకోవడంతో పాటు సోడియం ఉన్న ఆహారాన్ని పూర్తిగా వదిలేసినా మంచిదే.
మరొక ముఖ్య గమనిక : హై బిపి కేవలం మనం తినే ఆహారం వల్లే కాదునిద్ర సరిగ్గా లేకపోయినాస్ట్రెస్ ఎక్కువైనా తిరగబడే అవకాశముందికాబట్టి ఎల్లప్పుడూ ప్రశాంతంగా ఉండటానికి ప్రయత్నించండి..
హై బి పి ని నిర్లక్ష్యం చేయకండి.     

Beat the heat with healthy food

Body heat is the byproduct of our body's normal metabolism. When the energy sources (sugars, fats, proteins) are broken down and metabolized to produce ATP, some of the energy is lost as heat. Cells which require more ATP produce more heat.

There are few home remedies, particularly the food how to reduce or control the excessive body heat symptoms in men, women and children naturally, which can be used.

Some people inherently have more heat in their bodies while some are affected by it due to physical strain, consuming foods with hot propensity, or due to medication. Body heat manifests itself in various forms like anger, disturbed sleep, rashes and boils, acidity, heartburn, or stomach ulcers.

It may also lead to headaches and sometimes dizziness and episodes of fainting. There are more severe problems like changes in blood pressure, seizure, high body temperature, and rapid heartbeats that also indicate increased body heat. So, it’s very important to keep one’s body heat under control at all times. And one of the simplest ways of doing that is staying hydrated by having particular food which helps to maintain body heat.

According to traditional wisdom of Ayurveda, cardamom is very effective in improving digestion and also expert in reducing the body heat. you can mix cardamom powder while preparing tea, sweets or even you can add cardamom to spicy foods also.
Over heat in your body will effect your skin first. Peaches are advisable to avoid skin rashes as well as it is good to adding peaches to your breakfast will fulfill the requirements of vitamin A, vitamin B2, and potassium. Dry peaches are great resources to reduce the heat in the body and helps to regain the energy.
Make it a habit of Apricot juice with glucose or honey can help cool your body and also quench your thirst, eliminate the waste products from your body, tone up your eyes, stomach, liver, heart and nerves by supplying vitamins and minerals.
Buttermilk is also efficient in reducing body heat. Therefore, buttermilk is quite effective and beneficial during the summer season. It has valuable nutrition’s like potassium, vitamin B-12, calcium, phosphorous and probiotics which help strengthen the digestive system and the immunity of the body.
Watermelon is a super-sized and super-packed with nutritional goodies such as iron, potassium, beta carotene and vitamin C, watermelon has 95 per cent water content which helps to reduce the body heat and it contains lycopene which will keep away from the risk of several cancers.

Coconut water
Coconut water contains organic compounds processing healthy growth promoting properties that helps to orally re-hydrate your body, it is an all natural isotonic beverage, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells.
Cucumbers are the most wonderful and natural high water content edible fruit, Adding a crunchy cool cucumber to your salads is a good way to maintain the water level in your body. The regular intake of cucumber juice is very useful both internally and externally.
Sugarcane is rich in Phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. Sugar cane is ideal for those people who often suffer from burning sensation when urinating, or all over the body, who are tired due to excess sun exposure during summer.
Banana contains three natural sugars are surcose, fructose and glucose. These natural sugars combined with fiber in a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. It has a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heat in the body, try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Bottle gourd 
Its high water content makes it very cooling. The cooked Bottle Gourd is cooling, calming, diuretic and easy to digest. It is also effective against constipation and other digestive disorders.

Good food to avoid Heartburn

Heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. Heartburn is a digestive problem that occurs when stomach acid comes into contact with the lining of the esophagus, causing irritation.But the risk factor is something that increases your chances of getting a disease or condition. The same is true with heartburn. Some of the risk factors for heartburn may be beyond our control, such as another medical condition. Other factors, such as certain lifestyle habits, can be modified to help reduce the occurrence of heartburn symptoms.
Majority of heartburn symptoms are food related. If you’re the type who couldn’t care less if you are eating salty foods, oily foods, spicy foods, nutty foods, fatty foods, “feel good” foods, and all other assortment of foods that can trigger disorders in your body, then you’re a candidate for heartburn. If you continue to be mindless of what’s going on inside your digestive system, you will soon feel its unpleasant effects. 
Symptoms of heart burn:
  • A burning feeling in the chest just behind the breastbone that occurs after eating and lasts a few minutes to several hours.
  • Chest pain, especially after bending over, lying down or eating.
  • Burning in the throat -- or hot, sour, acidic or salty-tasting fluid at the back of the throat.
  • Difficulty swallowing.
  • Feeling of food "sticking" in the middle of the chest or throat.
  • Heartburn may cause chronic cough, sore throat, or chronic hoarseness.  
Causes of heart burn
Oranges, grapefruits and orange juice are classic heartburn foods. They are likely to cause heartburn, especially when consumed on an otherwise empty stomach. Pepper, Mexican food, chili, and any other food that is loaded with pepper or other spices can trigger heartburn, If these spicy food triggers your heartburn, avoid it. Then slowly reintroduce milder versions of whatever you like, Alcohol also makes the esophagus more sensitive to stomach acid.
Good foods to avoid heart burn
Fruits: Bananas, Fresh or Dried Apples
Vegetables: Broccoli, Cabbage, and Carrots
Meats: Lean Ground Beef, Skinless chicken breasts
Dairy: Fat free cream cheese, Feta or goat cheese
Grains: Corn bread, Multi-grain or white bread, Bran
Beverages: Mineral water
Home remedies to avoid heart burn

  • Regular practice of in taking one to two glass of water, In early morning is healthy habit and helpful in acidity control.
  • Tulsi ( Holy basil ) plays an important role in controlling acidity. Consuming few leaves of tulsi leaves anytime gives relief from acidity and is one of the useful home remedies for acidity.
  • Natural and effective dosages for acidity control are: take one table spoon amla with one table spoon haritaki (chebulic myroblan)
  • Take two tablespoon honey with two tablespoon natural cidar vinegar before meal.
  • Mint juice containing peppermint oil are god herbal remedy for treating heart burn. It is recommended to be taken after meal, it reduces gas formation. This is one of the useful home remedies for acidity.
  • Intake cold milk, coconut water, almonds or raw garlic, all these give you relief from acidity and heartburn.
  • Intake Jaggery on hourly basis will give you relief from acidity.
  • Half glass butter milk one table spoon of coriander juice is effective in case of stomach burns, indigestion, and acidity. This is one of the best home remedies for acidity. 

Top Weight Loss Food

Many people who are desirous to lose weight have to confront with the problems of right food selection for weight reduction.

Weight Loss Foods Rich in Protein
As it is well known that protein is essential for everybody s diet for a variety of bodily functions. It s the major component of all cells, including muscle and bone. Necessity of protein is for growth, development, and immunity to fight off infections and protect the body. The following weight loss food items are considered for good high quality sources of protein: Tuna fish (and most other fish) Turkey Nuts Lean cuts of meat Chicken breast Egg whites 

Weight Loss Foods Rich in Carbohydrate 
Certain amount of carbohydrate is necessary for our body but make sure that it should be complex carbohydrate rather than simple carbohydrate. The following weight loss foods items contain complex carbohydrate: Whole wheat pasta Sweet potatoes Fruits and vegetables Brown rice Yams Oatmeal 100 whole wheat bread Beans .

Weight Loss Foods Rich in Fat
People who are on dieting always scare of fat, but friends remember every diet need fat. Fat is helpful for nerve transmission, nutrient absorption, maintaining cell membrane integrity etc. There are two kinds of fat: good and bad. Monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats are good for health while saturated fats, trans fats are bad. List of food rich in monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats is given below: Peanuts Walnuts (and most other nuts and seeds) Live oil fish (salmon, mackerel, albacore tuna, sardines, etc.) Fish oil supplements Avocados

How Much does Wonder Woman Weigh ?

A woman's ideal body weight is dependent upon her height and age. 

The taller you are the how much does wonder woman weigh? She weighs about as much, unrealistically, as a 6'0" woman who is extremely athletic and very powerful: 64 kgs(140 lbs). TBH, I suspect that there's some fanboy wish fulfillment going on here, and that she's been given measurements which are disproportionate to her abilities and to reality(at least as far a comic book can go anyways, lol). 

A woman of any average size with an athletic frame is going to weigh quite a bit more than this, with 6'+ women in the WNBA hovering around 170lbs...and even then, those ladies look rather skinny compared to the full-figured and powerful Wonder Woman, lol. On top of this, I would expect that because she is created from clay by the Olympian gods that she would also bear some additional extra mystical weight which would allow for her super-strength, durability, etc.

Of course, it could be exactly that extra mystical aspect which accounts for her super-abilities...such as making her heavier and more dense under certain scenarios, such as during combat, etc. and more like normal weight when she's under more civil conditions(so as not to crush buildings or supporting structures, etc), she *can* fly, after all. 

Just eyeballing it, I would more realistically put Wonder Woman's weight at somewhere about 175-225 lbs *at least*, if not WAY in the multiple hundreds if we're talking about mystical Olympian clay-flesh that is "as strong as the earth"(and for those of you screaming that this would make her the same weight as Superman, just keep in mind that I have the same preconceptions about him as well).

Benefits of Jogging

Jogging is one of the easiest ways to start getting fit and healthy. The main reasons people begin to take up jogging are to lose weight, improve their fitness and overall health and aside from improvement to these area, here are some more great reasons to go jogging.
* Reduces risk of stroke 
* Reduces risk of heart attack
* Lowers blood pressure 
* Helps prevent ageing 
* Helps to build strong bones
* Strengthen muscles 
* Improves cardiovascular fitness 
* Burns kilojoules 
* Helps to maintain a healthy weight
* Improving your state of mind 
* Stress relief 
* Creates endorphins 
* Improves your stamina and energy levels
* Clears your mind 
* Meet people and make friends

Protein Rich Food

Spread out protein intake throughout the day instead of mega doses just once or twice. A serving of protein along with healthy carbs after a workout is a must to help tired muscles recover.

Here are some tantalizing ways to work protein into your meals and snacks no matter what time of day you exercise. 

Below is a list of foods with the highest protein density, for more information, see the sections on other protein rich foods...

How To Look Slim

If you are very heavy or a slight heavier its always best to cut off your fat and lose weight but by the time you achieve your goal and be really slim, follow these tips to look slim while wearing the adorable.

* If you still feel like you need the variety of colors, a sole colored suit may be complimented by a contrast colour jacket, blazer or jumper. But only one item should be chosen.

* Wear long necklaces or pendants on a long chain to make your neck look longer. Try to forget about short and tight necklaces since it will shorten your neck visually.

* Dress monochromatic, all in one color, top to bottom, no patterns.

* Avoid bulky sweaters and sweatshirts.

* Choose clothing all in one color to give yourself a long, lean look.

* Wear blocks of color that draw the eye away from less-than-perfect areas. Wear a red shell or royal blue jacket, for example, to draw attention away from your legs.

* Try to avoid shapeless clothing. No one is fooled, and loose clothes often make you appear wider or heavier.

* Do not use clothes that do not fit. Many women think that if the clothes are tight they will look thinner. This is not true; they will only look fatter, instead. Your clothes have to fit your body; neither oversize nor undersize does the trick.

* Avoid horizontal stripes. Look for thin vertical and diagonal lines for a fluid look.

* Short heightens are better to avoid clothing with a lot of details. Small, motley patterns or multiple pockets will not likely to help you look taller and slimmer.

* Avoid too-tight pants that cling to your hips and thighs. Instead, try trousers with comfortable legs and wide cuffs.

Diet and Hair Loss

Making sure certain foods are in your diet will help keep your scalp healthy, happy and, hopefully, hairy. Here are some foods that prevent hair loss, which If your receding hairline and bald spot are giving you sleepless nights, here are a few dietary modifications to help keep your mane and its. Hair is primarily made up of protein, so more thrust should be towards proteins products. Here, some of the important diets are given for for hair care and treating hair loss. 

To reduce hair loss, weight age should be given on diet therapy, diet chart and food pyramid.

* Diet like Atkins, South Beach, damage hair. 

* One can see positive result to prevent hair fall if vitamin is taken properly.

* Zinc is related with hair fall. Take zinc rich foods like Seafood’s.

* Stick to protein rich diet-fish, yeast, soybean, low fat cheese, eggs, beans and yoghurt for proper growth of hair. These diets to prevent hair fall and baldness. 

* Increase the intake of iron as it is essential for hemoglobin and blood formation. So increase the quantity of green vegetables, raisins, dates, etc. 

* Restrict burger, fries, cold, spicy, sugary foods, caffeine, fat, carbonated drinks, animal protein, excessive raw food, tofu, tomatoes etc. as these are the culprits for hair thinning. 

* Top foods that promote hair growth: Liver, yeast, fish, eggs, beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, tofu, whole grain cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, dates, raisins, walnuts, canola oil, soy, avocados, nuts, seeds, olive, legumes, onions, raw oats, dried fruits, cherry juice, beets, brown rice, root vegetables, winter squash, Black beans, pumpkin, black pepper, brown rice syrup etc.

Chocolate Keeps You Slim

The Independent headline was remarkably similar. Chocolate can help keep you slim. Chocolate lovers have one more reason to feel good about indulging in their favourite treat. Eating chocolate frequently was associated with a a lower body mass ... So it is not surprising that it can help keep you regular and help keep.

People couldn't believe their ears when Hollywood star Katharine Hepburn attributed her slim physique to chocolates. It sounds whack, but a new scientific study suggests that people who eat chocolate regularly tend to be thinner. Sadly, that doesn't quite mean that you can run out and stuff your face full of candy all day to keep your weight down—but it does mean you probably should be eating some chocolate regularly.

The study of nearly 1,000 US people, conducted by the University of California at San Diego, analyzed diet, calorie intake and BMI. It found that those who ate chocolate a few times a week were slimmer than those who ate it less frequently. Why? The researchers suggest that, despite containing so many calories, chocolate contains compounds that favor weight loss.

The link even remained when other factors—including exercise—were accounted for. What's more, the study, which appears in Archives of Internal Medicine, suggests that quantities aren't important; instead, it's the frequency of chocolate consumption that is linked to low BMIs.

Beatrice Golomb, one of the researchers, explained to the BBC: "Our findings appear to add to a body of information suggesting that the composition of calories, not just the number of them, matters for determining their ultimate impact on weight."
The researchers suggest that the compounds in chocolate that are associated with lower BMI are antioxidants called catechins, which improve lean muscle mass and reduce weight.

Before you grab the candy, though, it's worth noting that the study observed lower BMIs in participants that consumed chocolate a few times a week, and even then the quantities didn't matter.

So, a little bit of chocolate a few times a week should be plenty. Any more, and the sugar and fat will have the dominant effect.

Best Drinks for Weight Loss

Best Weight Loss Best Drinks, Best Weight Loss Tricks, Weight Loss Tricks For Telugu: A healthy diet plays a vital role in weight loss. While most of us are familiar with healthy eating habits, not too many of us pay close attention to a healthy lifestyle.

* Coconut Water – It is very good for accelerating your metabolism to give you energy which can be used in workouts for burning calories. It contains a lot of electrolytes which increase the rate of metabolism. Make sure that you avoid the flavouring and extra sugar generally put in the juice.

* Fruit Juice – These may not help to bring down the calorie intake so much but the nutrients such as vitamins and antioxidants that fruit juices provide make them a good choice, especially as a substitute for sweetened sodas.

* Green Tea – It is the best drink for people who cannot do without caffeine daily. Some compounds found in green tea lead to weight loss. It has a beneficial effect on your metabolism which helps in absorbing fat from your body. Have the drink twice daily.

* Vegetable Juice – Pennsylvania State University conducted a study on the effect of vegetable juice on calorie intake of a person. It was found that having a glass of vegetable juice before your meal helps you to eat 135 calories lesser.

* Yoghurt – If you put more of yoghurt in your smoothies, the calcium contained in it helps to burn fat in your body and particularly belly fat. These were the findings of a research done by University of Tennessee. Greek yoghurt is the healthiest choice for making a weight loss drink.

Heart Healthy Diet Tips

Improving your diet is an important step toward preventing heart disease, but you may feel unsure where to begin. Take a look at the big picture: your overall eating patterns are more important than obsessing over individual foods.
* Maintain a low fat diet. You will want to especially avoid fats such as butter, coconut oil, saturated fats, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats, animal fats and dairy fats.
* Instead of oils, try using nonstick cooking sprays.
* Always try to buy the leanest cuts of meat. Poultry, fish and turkey are better choices than beef.
* Try starting your day with a hearty bowl of oatmeal.
* Skim milk and non-fat yogurt is a healthier option than high-fat dairy products.
* Don't eat too many sweets or foods with added sugar. Soda and sweetened beverages should be kept to a minimum as well.
* Avoid eating more than four egg yolks a week. Generally it is better to eat egg whites or egg substitutes.
* Don't fry your food. Steaming or baking food is generally a healthier preparation.
* Try to avoid the fast food restaurant chains, they usually do not have many healthy options. If you must eat at a fast food restaurant, try to make the healthier choice and order a salad.

Chocolate Treats Under 80 Calories

Chocolate Treats Under 80 Calories! Reading about these chocolate treats in “Health”.
* Chocolate sorbet
Have a 1/4 cup Häagen-Dazs Chocolate Low-Fat Sorbet with 1 raspberry for only 66 calories.
* Sunflower seeds
Nosh on 84 candy-coated chocolate-covered sunflower seeds for just 65 calories.
* Heart cookie
for only 65 calories, you can enjoy one of the Flour Pot Chocolate Lace Heart Cookies.
* Mango and chocolate
Have a Chocolate-drizzled mango slices for only 79 calories: 2 mango slices and 1 tablespoon Hershey’s Special Dark syrup.
* Vodka shot
Have fun drinking 1 ounce chocolate vodka with shaved chocolate curl for only 75 calories.
* Chocolatey treats
Take a few minutes to indulge in these 8 chocolate treats. They won't mess up your diet though because each of the tasty treats is under 80 calories.

Worst Drinks for Weight Loss

Worst Drink for Weight Loss, Weight Loss Worst Drinks, Worst Weight Loss Tricks: Many drinks that appear to help with weight loss are actually the complete opposite. 5 of the worst drinks for weight loss.
* Soda Drinks – Your soda drinks have loads of empty calories you can do without. Even the diet sodas do not help in weight loss as their effect is temporary.
* Energy Drinks – Energy drinks used by sportspersons are also full of calories. The nutrients that are added in them are available from other low-carb drinks.
* Fancy Coffee – Coffee with a little sugar and skimmed milk may not be so bad but those that have whipped cream, ice-cream and lots of sugar gives you more calories than a full meal.
* Beer – Regular serving of beer has around 150 calories and it is not unusual to have 2 or more servings on an outing. Those sincere about losing weight should stay away from this drink.
* Full-Cream Milk – This drink is not a healthy option for you. Remove the cream before drinking or simply choose toned milk.

Katrina Kaif Diet And Workout

A healthy mind and a healthy diet is Katrina Kaif's secret behind her perfect figure. Katrina Kaif is the most beautiful actress in Bollywood. Every dress suits her perfect body figure 36-26- 34, with a height around 5′-8″.

This is Katrina Kaif Workout. 
* Swimming
* Jogging
* Gymming
* Yoga
* Meditation
Katrina’s for day starts with 3-4 glass of water then yoga and meditaion.

Katrina Kaif Diet Plan
Katrina’s diet comprises lots of fruits, green salad, grilled fish and vegetables. She simply loves grilled fish and avoids rice due to fat. Her fitness secret is her daily strict routine eat healthy food at right time.

Breakfast Time 
* Brown Bread with peanut butter
* glass low fat milk.
* boiled eggs-white portion only
* Pancakes when traveling

Lunch Time 
Katrina is not fussy about eating, rather she prefers low oil food, with very less fat.
* Green dressed salad
* Brown rice
* Grilled fish

Dinner Time 
There is no set menu for Kat’s dinner, she tries not to overeat and eat lighter before bedtime. It mainly includes
* Oil less food
* Avoids starch food
* Has completely left chicken
* Has normal and light dinner

Weight Loss Through Indian Diet

Rice, whole wheat bread, lots of vegetables and dairy constitute a staple Indian diet.

There are ways in which you can incorporate the Indian cooking practices for having delectable meals that make you healthy too and can help in weight loss too.

* In Indian foods, spices play a bigger role in adding flavour than oil. Most of the Indian foods are steamed or cooked with water rather than fried. Adding spices need not necessary mean making it too hot for your tongue.

* Spices not only make the food taste good, they also make you feel more satisfied while eating and this makes you eat less.

* The digestive properties of many spices also make them healthy for you. Cardamom, cloves and fennel seeds are some such spices.

* A lot of low-fat ingredients are used in Indian cooking.

* Vegetables, rice and legumes are common in Indian dishes.

* The method of baking wheat for bread the Indian style is far healthier than the European method of bread making. Roti, Tandoori Roti and Tandoori Nan are baked breads that are some foods prepared by baking bread.

* They are a very useful addition to your weight loss diet. If oils and fats such as ghee are consciously not used, Indian recipes are excellent as weight loss diet.

* The legumes, beans, grains that are commonly found in Indian foods make it an excellent choice for weight loss.

* Eating high fibre foods bring about the feeling of being full sooner and prevent you from your inclination to overeat.

* The nutrients gained through foods high in fibre and vitamins helps your body burn fat more effectively.

Shilpa Shetty Fitness Secrets Yoga

* The Perfect 10 girl has what it takes simply by her diet and exercises. Shilpa swears by yoga. She even teaches yoga, she is that kind of expert in it.

* She strictly adheres to her yoga routine. She is aware how yoga enhances concentration, how body maintains its flexibility and agility. With practice, the postures will improve and breathe control will be effortless. She uses yoga to release stress and tension and to increase vitality.

* She knows how to maintain a perfect blend of exercises and how to maintain the female figure that is accentuated by curves. At 33, she may not be getting any younger, but to look at her and her skin glowing, you would not believe she is 33.

* Surprisingly, she loves eating out and goes for Chinese and Japanese food. But careful that she is, she does not go beyond sashimi or seaweed salad. She might add black cod and some sou.

Ayurveda Medicine Weight Loss Tips

Ayurvedic medicines are purely organic medicines, wherein hoards of spices and beneficial herbs are used. According to Ayurveda, there are various body types; reasons for obesity and its cures are judged according to these Ayurvedic body types.
The treatment is very simple to follow though it requires a lot of patience and effort. 

Ayurvedic weight loss medication doesn't necessarily imply a tablet-like medicine. It is almost a change in the lifestyle that is prescribed as the medicine. Under this, various methods are followed to reduce weight.

* Drink lukewarm lime water with a teaspoon of honey, early in the morning and reduce salt and sugar intake

* Drink hot water and ginger tea throughout the day. Also, keep yourself hydrated on loads of juices

* Watch what you eat and avoid junk food. Increase intake of food that is high in vitamin C.

* Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) benefits the human immune system. It helps improve the functioning of white blood cells.

* Triphala Choorna benefits us through its detoxifying powers. It promotes good digestion, and thus, aids in natural weight loss.

* Shilajit is an Ayurvedic medicine that contains 83 minerals. Benefits of shilajit are many, other than weight loss, it also helps in controlling blood sugar, increases sexual capacity and has anti-aging capabilities as well.

* Amalaki also referred to as the Indian gooseberry, is a rich source of vitamin C. It is also a natural coolant of the body. Amalaki or amla is found in many hair tonics and Ayurvedic medicines.

* Bibhitaki also possesses many medicinal properties. It is a common herb in tonics for the brain and is used to treat ailments of the heart and eyes.

* Haritaki is mainly used to treat health problems dealing with digestion, leprosy, anemia etc.

* Aloe Vera, is considered as good digestant in Ayurvedic medicine. Aloe Vera also works amazingly for the skin and body.

* Bladderwrack, although high in iodine this herb works wonders for the body.

* Chickweed and coconut oil are also very therapeutic.

Benefits Of Custard Apple

Custard apples contain Vitamin A, which keeps your skin and hair healthy. 

This fruit is also known to be great for eyes, and cures indigestion problems. 

It's important to include this fruit in your diet, as the copper content helps to cure constipation, and helps to treat diarrhoea and dysentery. 

Given below is nutritional value per 100 gm of custard apple

* Thiamine (B1) - 0.05 to 0.08 mg
* Vitamin A -1 mg
* Riboflavin (B2) - 0.08 to 0.1 mg
* Natural Sugar - 14 to 18 gm
* Niacin (B3) - 0.5 to 0.8 mg
* Carbohydrate - 23.71 gm
* Iron - 0.7mg
* Total Acidity - 0.4 mg
* Energy - 76 to 96 cal (310 to 420 kJ)
* Protein - 1 to 4.3 gm
* Zinc - 0.2 to 2.7mg
* Magnesium - 32 to 88 mg
* Copper - 2.4mg
* Potassium - 250 to 578 mg
* Sodium - 4 to 14 mg
* Calcium - 17 to 22 mg
* Vitamin C - 22 to 43 mg
* Fibre - 1 to 3.2 g
* Total Soluble Solids (Brix) - 22.3%

Health and Nutrition Benefits of Eating Custard Apple

* Custard apple is a storehouse of Vitamin C, which is an anti-oxidant and helps in neutralizing free radicals.

* Vitamin A present in the fruit is good for hair, eyes and healthy skin.

* Custard apple contains magnesium, which plays vital role in relaxing muscles and protecting heart against diseases.

* Potassium and Vitamin B6 are also present in custard apple.

* Copper is yet another useful ingredient of custard apple.

* It is a rich source of dietary fiber, which helps in digestion.

* As it contains low fat levels, it is good for maintaining optimum health.

* The paste of the flesh of the fruit can be used for local application on ulcers, abscesses and boils.

* The fruit, in its unripe form, can be dried, crushed and used for treating diarrhea and dysentery.

* Custard apple serves as an expectorant, stimulant, coolant and haematinic and is even useful in treating anemia.

* The seeds of the fruit have insecticidal and abortifacient properties.